Christmas is not a day, nor a season, it is a state of mind…
So is it time for Christmas?
Christmas is definitely the time of year I prefer the most!
This is the time of year when, all that I love most in the world, is brought together in one day: family, food, champagne, laughter, celebration and and gifts! Now I know some people will think that the gift aspect is less than humble. But let me ask you this? Do you not like receiving gifts? I am doubly blessed because I enjoy to give and receive.
But this year, Christmas takes on a different form with a little taste of renewal simply because it is our first Christmas as parents!
That's why this year I want everything to be perfect, even more so than in other years, which is hard to do because I have been putting more and more effort in each year: from the Christmas tree to the table decoration to the order to Santa Claus. Everything should be perfect. And until I have perfected it I will continue to work on achieving said perfection.
Then, of course, you will tell me that he is only a baby, that he will not be able to remember it… That's true, but since I'm crazy about the season well I'll still do everything I can to make it special! He may not remember it but he will be able to enjoy it in his own way.
And anyway, those who know me will tell you that I always go overboard with these sort of things anyway so it really doesn't matter. Don't try to use logic on me.
I meticulously prepare everything so that everything is just right because there is nothing more wonderful than seeing your child's eyes full of stars.
So I applied myself, intending to give the illusion that the family dinner would be beautifully decorated and sparkle with a thousand lights. As for the tree, I do it mostly for myself because, well, hubby, it is frankly not his thing, if there wouldn't be a tree, it would not be any different for him. But this year, I did not do it just for my rather childish Christmas spirit, I did it for my son for whom I want to pass that same spirit on to.
It may be silly, but for me it's the time of year when our whole family is reunited, where everyone shows how much they care about each other by being present, offering small gifts, sharing a good meal filled with laughter and singing.
In a way it is the family spirit that we maintain during the holidays, one we do so with great pomp, and I want him to know it as I have known him since I was his age.
All I have to do is wish you all the best with your families and make the most of these moments of happiness!